Christian Youth in Action — CYIA
Christian Youth In Action is a program training teens and young adults to reach children with the Gospel.
If you want to see Christian Youth In Action, attend a 5-Day Club and watch graduates from a CYIA summer camp. You will be amazed. They have acquired a strong desire to make a change in the lives of others. Does this have an impact on their own spiritual lives? Yes. Praying with someone as they receive Christ is an important step in Christian maturity.
At CYIA camp teens through college age students learn to teach an evangelistic Bible lesson with clarity. They learn what it takes to keep children engaged for an hour and a half as they are hearing the message God has for them. They build relationships with the children. After finishing a club, one young man said, “I am going to love being a dad someday.”
Each summer hundreds of children hear the Gospel and respond to God’s invitation and it happens as
He uses students to make an eternal difference!
Go to our Resource tab for downloading applications and forms OR
Contact our CYIA Director: